Maria Duca

Maria Duca
Maria Duca

CNRS Research Director

Director of TNA research group

Vice-President of the French Medicinal Chemistry Society

Chemistry Europe Fellow

Institute of Chemistry of Nice (ICN)

UMR7272 Université Côte d'Azur - CNRS

28 avenue Valrose 06100 Nice FRANCE


Curriculum vitae

Awards and Honours

  • Alexandre Joël Award from Fondation ARC (2004)
  • Michel Delalande Award from the French Pharmacy Academy (2007)
  • Chemistry Europe Fellow Award (2023)

Key Publications

Scheheoleva I., Fernandez-Remacha, D., Estrada-Tejedor, R., Duca, M., Michelet, V. De novo design of pre-miR-21 maturation inhibitors: synthesis and activity assessment. Chem. Eur. J. 2023

Tran, T.P.A., Poulet, S., Pernak, M., Rayar, A., Azoulay, S., Di Giorgio A., Duca, M. Development of 2-deoxystreptamine-nucleobase conjugates for the inhibition of oncogenic miRNAs production. RSC Med. Chem. 2022 13, 311.

Maucort, C., Vo, D.D., Aouad, S., Charrat, C., Azoulay, S., Di Giorgio, A., Duca, M. Design and implementation of synthetic RNA binders for the inhibition of miR-21 biogenesis. ACS Med. Chem. Lett. 2021 12, 899.

Staedel, C., Tran, T.P.A., Giraud, J., Darfeuille, F., Di Giorgio, A., Tourasse, N.J., Salin, F., Uriac, P., Duca, M.* Modulation of oncogenic miRNA biogenesis using functionalized polyaminesScientific Reports 2018 8, 1667

Vo D.D., Staedel C., Zehnacker L., Benhida R., Darfeuille F., Duca M.* Targeting the production of oncogenic microRNAs with multimodal synthetic small moleculesACS Chem. Biol. 2014 9, 711.

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